Archive for the 'Products' Category

Aug 04 2010

The Fresh Diet on the Go

Being busy is no excuse to be forced to eat poorly, at least not with The Fresh Diet! You can just take your cooler bag with you, which holds all you need for your long day.

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Jul 25 2010

My Adventures With The Fresh Diet

In this special series of blog posts, Aimee Lynn journals her experience with The Fresh Diet – a daily menu of healthy meals designed to fit a caloric target delivered right to your door.

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Mar 29 2009

Cooking Tips: Using a Smoker Box on Your Grill

Published by under General,Products

Using a Smoker Box on Your Grill Author: Ray Shank Using a Smoker Box on your grill is an excellent way to give your smaller meals a great full, smoky flavor. You can find them in all sizes and prices.  They’re perfect for smoking fish, steak, ribs, chicken and more!  I recently got one and […]

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Jan 19 2009

A Cajun Night just in time for the upcoming Mardi Gras Celebration

I decided to take a few recipes I had found most exquisite to share from the Southern Accent cookbook. Great for any dinner gathering where you want your guests leaving with a party in their mouths and a memory to definitely come back for more.

No matter where you are, this is going to add some heat and spice to your evening.

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Jan 14 2009

Are You Sure You Are The One Choosing What You Eat?

Published by under General,Products

As we move towards the RDIF paradigm, we are seeing very advanced techniques for surveying how people make decisions in the grocery aisle. Some techniques are as simple as baking goods from frozen dough onsite to elicit an olfactory response, to companies like VideoMining that automates the process of face recognition by way of security cameras in the store to Path Intelligence from Britain working with MIT that plots the positions of cellular handsets as they transmit to cellular networks in order to measure a consumer’s “dwell time.”

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