Tag Archive 'diet'

May 27 2009

Boiled Red Radishes with Umeboshi-Kuzu Sauce

Published by under Macrobiotic,Recipes

Day two of our week of Macrobiotic recipes. One of the joys of Macro cooking is the deceptive simplicity – it is about rediscovering the wonders of flavor hidden in the foods we too often smother with salts and sugary condiments and sauces. Today we will explore Kuzu – a starch derived from the root of a plant that, when dissolved in a bit of water, has the consistency of corn starch – excellent for soups and sauces, and what’s more it strengthen the intestines and protects the digestive tract. It is virtually flavorless unto itself but works wonderfully in creating fascinating concoctions like today’s Macrobiotic recipe:

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May 26 2009

Macro Recipe- How about some Nishime Vegetables!

Published by under Macrobiotic,Recipes

This recipe uses kombu a kelp usually purchased in dried form that can be used to flavor soups like a bay leaf in addition to being eaten in regular dishes. It is popular in many macrobiotic preparations.

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Jan 30 2009

Macro Recipe: Juicy Apple Rice Squares

Published by under Macrobiotic,Recipes,Republished

One of the greatest joys to be garnered from exploring new kinds of diets is that by removing certain options from play, fascinating new combinations will emerge. Here is a really fun and interesting and delicious completely Macrobiotic recipe from the out-of-print book Macrobiotic Desserts by Sandra Lynn Shuman.  (I have a hand-me-down-photocopy of the […]

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Dec 05 2008

Macrobiotics: Tips and Advice on Starting a Macrobiotic Diet

Published by under General,Macrobiotic

Macrobiotics has been around for so long and celebrities like, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cindy Crawford and so much more have been into it. For the reason that it gives us more than any other diet there is and has been tagged the healthiest diet. Macrobiotic diet does not only make us lose weight but there have been cases that show that macrobiotics may help cure serious medical conditions such as cancer and AIDS.

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