Tag Archive 'Dinner Party'

Aug 20 2009

Dinner Party: The Omnivore vs. Vegetarian Dilemma

Published by under Recipes,Vegetarian

I realize it’s always difficult throwing a dinner party not knowing if one of your guests is vegetarian. It’s always a gamble if you know that a Vegi may be a guest among a group of carnivores, so what can you make that won’t break the bank but transcend feeding your kind animal-conscious friend a plate of bread and mash potatoes?

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Jan 19 2009

A Cajun Night just in time for the upcoming Mardi Gras Celebration

I decided to take a few recipes I had found most exquisite to share from the Southern Accent cookbook. Great for any dinner gathering where you want your guests leaving with a party in their mouths and a memory to definitely come back for more.

No matter where you are, this is going to add some heat and spice to your evening.

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