Boiled Red Radishes with Umeboshi-Kuzu Sauce

Day two of our week of Macrobiotic recipes.  One of the joys of Macro cooking is the deceptive simplicity – it is about rediscovering the wonders of flavor hidden in the foods we too often smother with salts and sugary condiments and sauces.  Today we will explore Kuzu – a starch derived from the root of a plant that, when dissolved in a bit of water, has the consistency of corn starch – excellent for soups and sauces, and what’s more it strengthens the intestines and protects the digestive tract.  It is virtually flavorless unto itself but works wonderfully in creating fascinating concoctions like today’s Macrobiotic recipe:

Boiled Red Radishes with Umeboshi-Kuzu Sauce

What you need:

2 Cups of Water

4 Shiso Leaves

1 Umeboshi Plum

2 Cups of Red Radishes, trimmed

3 Tablespoons of Kuzu

1 Tablespoon of sliced Scallions or Parsley

What you need to do:

– Place water, shiso leaves, umeboshi plum, and radishes in a pot and bring water to a boil.

– Cover, reduce flame to medium-low, and simmer until radishes are tender.

– Remove and drain radishes and shisho leaves, reserving cooking water.

– Set umeboshi plum aside.

– Place radishes in a shallow serving bowl.

– Chop shiso leaves and set aside.

– Dilute kuzu in a few tablespoons of water and pour into cooking water.  (the water SHOULD be light red)

– Stir instantly to avoid lumping.

– When sauce becomes thick and creamy, remove from flame and pour over radishes.

– Place chopped shiso leaves in the center of the radishes.

– Sprinkle scallions or parsley on top for garnish and serve!

Sure a lot of people dislike radishes because of their spicy taste, but boiling them down a little diminishes that siginifcantly as it does with watercress.  Also the kuzu tempers the flavor, and the umeboshi adds the taste of salt.

If you try this recipe, come back and let us know what you think!
