Carob Pudding – Macrobiotic

Carob Pudding

Carob, also known as St. John’s Bread, is a legume from the Mediterranean whose seed pods provide a fruit that is nutritional and often used as a substitute for chocolate!  This is a truly guilt-free recipe that will fool even the most discriminating youngster.

1/4 cup whole oat flour
2 T. short grain brown rice flour
1/2 tsp. agar-agar powder
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. roasted carob powder
2 cups water
1 T. pure vanilla
3 T. pure maple syrup
2 T. barley malt

In a medium saucepan combine everything except the vanilla, maple syrup and barley malt.  Bring to a boil; stir often.  Reduce flame and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring often.  Remove from heat and add the remaining ingredients.  Pour into a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour into serving dishes or 1 large bowl.  When cool, refrigerate for at least 45 minutes before eating.  Serve at room temperature.  Keep refigerated.  Makes 2 cups.

Recipe From Macrobiotic Desserts by Sandra Lynn Shuman
Published by Dictionart, Los Angeles, California (1981)