Juicing Recipes Part 3 – A Sleeping Potion

After two weeks of juicing, I can say my stomach has flattened, I have felt substantially more pep and vigor, and the weird head-spins from the first couple of days have subsided.

I should disclaim that I am not on a strict juice diet; I do still get my protein from walnuts, avocados, even the occasional protein bar (love Muscle Milk). But one new, unexpected side-effect for this insomniac was all the new energy I felt. So I decided to look up something for said sleeplessness.

Thus from the Juicing For Life book that inspired a revolution, I present to you a slightly modified Sleeping Potion full of magnesium and light on the digestive tract that should help lull you into dreamland, or at the very least, calm you down.

A Vegan Sleeping Potion

4 leaves of red leaf lettuce
1 stalk of celery (tops removed so as to avoid bitterness)
1 handful raw spinach
1 1/4″ slice of ginger

Break the top off a stalk of celery, bunch up the lettuce and spinach and push all through the hopper together (celery first) in tandem.

After some fifteen minutes you will feel slightly calmer and soothed.

Listen, some people may say ginger is a picker upper – and it is, but I put it in everything, particularly because it is the best for upset stomach, and who wants to go to sleep with an upset stomach? You can exclude it though, and have just as good a result.

Enjoy and please let me know what you think!

Please remember, these are just my opinions. You must consult with a medical professional before taking on any sort of diet if you have health concerns.


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