My Adventures With The Fresh Diet

In this special series, guest blogger Aimee Lynn journals her experience with The Fresh Diet – a daily menu of healthy meals designed to fit a caloric target delivered right to your door. I hope you enjoy it! – Keram

Believe me when I say I’ve tried every weight loss fad out there; excessive workouts, restricting calories, daily powder shakes, magical snake oil pills and vitamins, and none of those things really left me feeling healthy, satisfied, and alive.  The fact is, I love food! All I needed was a way to manage how much I ate, and what it was that I consumed.  Which led me to discovering “THE FRESH DIET”.

Immediately I was intrigued by the idea that with The Fresh Diet you actually EAT 3 gourmet, fresh made meals a day PLUS 2 snacks. Training your body to be a mean, lean, fat burning machine!  I decided to start a workout program called P90 to coincide with my one month trial of The Fresh Diet. What better place to share my adventure than here at Taste Odyssey with you guys!

So, for the next few weeks I’ll be logging what delicious meals I get delivered fresh to my door everyday, and how they are benefiting my progress.  My starting goal is to lose the pesky 15 pounds I’ve had lurking on my once stickly figure that I gained after I threw in the towel of beating my body up with stupid alternatives to eating healthy.

The Fresh Diet Cooler Bag

It’s been one week since I started, and I’m not only already down 6 pounds, but I feel so awake, and healthy, and alive! There really is a difference when you are losing weight the RIGHT way, and I guarantee The Fresh Diet can help anyone with that.

I was so excited the first night to hear a knock at my door with a friendly face delivering my very first awesome green cooler of my food for the next day.  I had no idea when picking my menu online for the week, that the food would taste as good as the description of it!  Sure, the portions are very small, but you start to realize that eating 5 times a day, your body really doesn’t need much more.

There are different plans for everyone…you choose what your caloric daily intake should be based on weight, gender, and goals. With the premium plan, you can choose your meals, snacks, and sides from four different options for each meal.

If you have medical issues, or allergies, or just plain don’t like certain foods, there are even options for that!

The best part is, you don’t have to worry anymore about shopping for food, being tempted in the market by the low prices of junk food, and you get a Cordon Bleu Chef hand making amazing meals for you every day!

Today I woke up to having a Canadian bacon, and bell pepper omelette for breakfast, A turkey salad with arugula and artichoke for lunch, a small portion of celery sticks with about 2 tbs. of tuna for a snack, and veggie meat balls, with quinoa, and broccoli for dinner! After dinner, I did a workout and was feeling a bit hungry, so I got to eat my final snack of the day which was the most delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookie I’ve ever tasted.  A tiny much-deserved indulgment for a hard work out.

Sticking to this diet, you don’t have to worry about anything really, just that you keep on a good schedule and eat the last snack at least an hour or 2 before bedtime, and you will have started your body on the right track of burning calories and feeling great!

I’ll keep updating here daily on what meals I get and my progress.

So far, The Fresh Diet gets an A+ in my book.

Until next time…..



Learn more about the Fresh Diet at www.thefreshdiet.com


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