More Juice Reboot Mayhem – Part Two

I’m dedicating this post to my good buddy Fim who is about to join me on the adventure.

First two days on my juice binge went terrifically well. Like I said in my inaugural post, I have some experience doing this, so I feel comfortable with the quirks and funny feelings that may come up in the first few days – feelings of spaciness, head spins, food cravings and nervousness. Trust that these subside. For example I was taking a walk to the grocery story to replenish my stores of roughage and thought I may pass out, but reminded myself I had just sucked down a half sweet potato, half a tomato, an apple and four carrots and I sure as heck wasn’t going to go down for lack of blood sugar, carbs or fiber.

Anyway, here are some more recipes I put together today after getting back from the LA farmer’s market (where for 40 bucks I returned with 8 bags of organic produce).

Keram’s Spicy Stress Buster

1 Stalk Celery
2 Carrots (tops removed)
1 clove of fresh garlic (the spice)
Handful of Italian parsely
Handful of watercress (more spice but sooo healthy)
Handful of chopped collard greens (got these in a bag)
1 leaf of kale
Half organic red tomato

Put the densest materials into the juicer first. Bunch up the watercress and parsley and put it into the hopper with the tomato so it processes better.

This recipe is great for replenishing the body after a stressful episode. It’s got some bite, but its fun and welcome change from the sugary nature of carrot and apple concoctions.

Garlic is a blood-thinning compound which can be beneficial in this case since stress thickens the blood. Ginger has the same properties. Parsley and collard greens contain magnesium which must be replenished and also works as a very mild sedative and also beta-carotene, a powerful anti-oxidant. Parsley also contains zinc, potassium. Kale has a ton of Vitamin C for immune support and pantothenic acid which is lost during the stress response.

**Another thing I should point out is that, if you have a medical condition or find these juices a bit heavy on your system, it is perfectly fine to mix them in equal parts with water.**

I am your friend, Kale. Do not fear me.

When you DO want a little sweet midday snack, try this out.

Keram’s Sweet Snack Version 1

A delicious, sweet snack for in between “meals”:

1/2 pear (seeded, skin on)
5 strawberries (greens removed)
Ginger (size of the tip of your thumb)
2 carrots
Handful of spinach (for some iron – you won’t even taste it!)

Have fun, and make sure you are stocked up! You won’t believe how affordable it becomes to nourish your body. Make sure to drink lots and lots of water throughout the day! And don’t be afraid to drink up that juice – at least 4 16 oz servings per day.

I also took the pulp from my veggie concoctions and put it into a pot of sauteed onions, added some spices (dash of cayenne, cracked pepper, oregano, a bay leaf, couple dashes of sea salt, sprig of dill, sprig of coriander, a half cup of quinoa for protein) and lightly boiled it. I ate this when I needed something slightly more substantial.

Don’t be shy with that juicer. You are sucking down life! Drink up and enjoy the reinvigorating benefits.

If you are having a hard time, feel free to chomp on some avocado, walnuts, hummus, or add a bit of olive oil to a red-leaf salad. These good fats will help your body feel satisfied and prevent it from going into starvation mode.

Please remember, these are just my opinions. You must consult with a medical professional before taking on any sort of diet if you have health concerns.


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