Sour Cream Apple Pie (true macrobiotic)

The best part about cooking “macrobiotically” is that the result is never “less than” – in fact I find the results more fulfilling in a full-body cellular sense than any other method of cooking.

The only caveat is that the initial setup of a Macro kitchen can run a bit expensive because you may not have the pantry of basics (umeboshi, rice wine vinegar, pure maple syrup, agar, blackstrap molasses etc.) used by this method of cooking – but once you do, it will last you a long while.

To exemplify this I am borrowing from Sandra Lynn Shuman’s Macrobiotic Desserts (Dictionart, 1981) to bring you:

Sour Cream Apple Pie

1 1/2 cup drained tofu

2 tsp. umeboshi paste

2 T. fresh lemon juice *

1/8 tsp. grated lemon rind *

1/4 cup + 1 T. rice syrup **

3 T. pure maple syrup

1/4 cup tahini

1/4 cup arrowroot

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. pure vanilla

3 cups sliced apples

1 10 inch unbaked oat Nut Crust 

Preheat the oven to 350°.  In a blender put all the ingredients, except apples and crust, and blend until smooth.  Set aside.  Prepare the Oat Nut Crust and set aside.  Wash the apples and cut them into very thin half-moon slices.  Layer the apples on top of the crust.  Pour tofu mixture over the apples.  Place pie on lower shelf and bake for 40 minutes, until top is golden brown.  Cool completely before cutting.  Keep refigerated.


* organic please, they are much more flavorful and nutrient rich

** rice syrup is an amazing sugar substitute whose flavor and texture is akin to a very mild caramel